Single Viral Instagram Photo Landed This Unknown Woman a Modelling Contract

Dayum, girl – that’s how to use Instagram to your advantage.

19-year-old Anok Yai landed a modelling contract with a high-end, global agency overnight after posting a single photo that dropped the world’s jaw.

She thinks the photo that gained her insta fame made her look like a “deer in headlights,” using “average” as another adjective for the pic. She obviously had no idea what was coming, however, telling the Washington Post that:

When it got to a couple thousand and it just kept going higher and higher, I was surprised. And I was happy. I always wanted it to happen, but it was something I never expected.

You need to see this:

Her Instagram following blew up, moving from 300 followers to 50 000 in a matter of days, with her picture in Howard’s yard eventually gaining more than 30 000 likes.

She went on to say:

I got an email from a modelling agency. They said they were interested in having me and they had me call them. And they just set up tons of interviews and it just went on from there.

Did she get it from her mama?

S I G N E D ? — @anok_yai has signed with Next Management worldwide. Please join us in welcoming Anok!

— Next Models (@NextModels) October 31, 2017

Legs for days.

Her flawlessness is thanks to Sudanese heritage, but Yai was born in Egypt and moved to the U.S. when she was only two years old. She would later move to Manchester, New Hampshire, where she grew up and identifies with most.

Steve Hall captured the moment after bumping into Yai at Yard Fest in Washington D.C., asking her to pose for a few shots for his fashion website, The SUNK. He, too, earned an extra 14 000 likes after posting the picture on his own Instagram page.

Now she’s with Next Models in New York, an agency that has worked with the likes of Lana Del Rey and Rita Ora, holding down covers on Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar.

And her mom wants her to continue with her studies? Sounds like my dad.


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